If items don’t show anything when you press R or U, they can’t be crafted or recrafted or they simply have no use. Until today JEI remains in the lead, let’s see what the future will tell us ! Recently, it has been competing with Roughly Enough Items (and formerly not enough items) as the best recipe support mod. It’s a huge time saver and it’s very easy to use ! Let’s find out together how to install and how to use just enough items. The Just Enough Items (jei) mod is really a blessing for any big mod fan like me who are lazy to search the internet for tutorials. Via modifiable keys in the controls, you can display the crafts of some items, show their usefulness, you /give them (if you are a cheater !) and display the id of the item. What a waste of time ! And that’s where the “ Just Enough Items” mod comes in, worthy successor of Too Many Items.

We have to pause our game and go back to the internet to find out. There is also the problem of finding an item but not knowing what it is for. We have to go and look for crafts on the internet, and it’s even worse when they’re mod crafts. I think that for most of us, crafts are a pain in the ass, especially when you’re a beginner.